LifeTrack Histology Cassettes
Cassettes Compatible with LifeTrack DC and BC Printers
Cassettes Compatible with LifeTrack DC and BC Printers
DC LifeTrack markers use doped cassettes. Our DC printers use a high-precision laser to mark these cassettes with high resolution and high contrast alphanumeric text and scannable, two-dimensional barcodes.
LifeTrack BC Cassettes
BC LifeTrack markers use black-coated cassettes. The carbon dioxide laser in BC-model printers ablates InfoSight’s polymer coating to reveal high-resolution, high-contrast alphanumeric text, linear barcodes and two-dimensional barcodes that scan quickly and easily.
BC cassettes have a black coating that ensures an excellent visual contrast after printing.
Order Cassettes
Complete the order form below to order your DC- or BC-model cassettes. Discounts are available for
high-volume orders. An InfoSight identification expert will contact you within two business days to
confirm the details of your cassette order.