LabeLase® Producer

Help Menu

The Help menu provides access to information about the Producer program and the ability to register your printer.

To view the interactive help for Producer (this document) hit the F1 key at any time, or click the Help button when it is available in a dialog.



This registration reminder screen will appear when Producer starts and detects that it is connected to a printer that lacks a registration key. The registration key is obtained from the InfoSight web site when you click the Register My Printer button. Note that the PC running Producer must be connected to the Internet to obtain a registration key.

Once you have entered your personal information into the InfoSight website and obtained a registration key, select Help / Register to activate the Printer Registration form.

Enter your Registration Key and click the Register button to save your registration and stop the display of the reminder.



The About dialog shows important information about the program including version number, printer firmware version, PassCode, etc. When contacting the factory for assistance, you may be asked to access the About form to provide details about your specific configuration.

One important feature of the About form is the PassCode field. This is a special, encrypted field that can be used to obtain a one-time password in the event that your supervisor's password is forgotten or changed inadvertently. Should you need a temporary password, make a note of the PassCode setting and telephone the factory at 740-642-3600 for assistance.

Please note that the PassCode setting will be different each time you access the About form. Any temporary password that is supplied by the factory is only valid until the end of the current hour. You may use the temporary password to change the supervisor's password.

Check for Update - Have Producer check to see if there is a newer version of the program available. If a newer version has been released your web browser will be launched to take you to the InfoSight website where you can download the new program. Note that an Internet connection is required to check for updates and/or download the newest version.



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